At the most recent meeting of the St. Ann's Pastoral Council, we identified a need to recruit and train more parishioners to serve in the liturgical ministries of greeter and usher. Both of these ministries of hospitality help to create a warm and friendly environment for our worship together.
Greeters and ushers may be male or female. These ministries are open to parishioners who are in high school, college, or beyond!
If you enjoy meeting people and welcoming them to our parish, please call Debbie in the parish office (655-3302) to sign up. As soon as we get a list of names, we will hold a training session for these ministries.
If you are interested in serving in any of the other liturgical ministries (lector, extraordinary minister of Communion, or altar server) please call the parish office as well and we will arrange training sessions for these ministries, too.