Death is a difficult topic to discuss for many people, but it is something we will all face one day. An intentional act of love for your family might be in the form of pre-planning your own funeral, or helping a loved one plan their funeral in advance. Details for the Vigil Service, Funeral Liturgy, and Rite of Committal could all be decided ahead of time and written down for when your loved ones need that information. We are offering an opportunity to do just that at our Funeral Planning Workshops. You will be given information to understand all the decisions needing to be made, and our Funeral Planning Team will be there to guide you through the process. There are two different times to choose from: Monday, January 13, from 2-3:30 p.m. or Tuesday, January 14, from 6:30-8 p.m. Please preregister so that we can have materials ready for you at the workshop by calling the Parish Office at (806) 655-3302 or by signing up in the narthex.
St. Ann's is offering a 10 hour catechesis class for adults who have already received the Eucharist but have not received the Sacrament of Confirmation. If you fall into this category and are interested in participating, please contact Christ Hall at [email protected] or call the parish office (806) 655-3302 by Friday, January 31, 2025. (Please click on the article title to see the entire article, including candidate requirements.)
Do you know someone who has left the Catholic Church and would like to return? It can be a pretty intimidating prospect. Sometimes, all they need is an invitation to take that first step. "Landings" is a program designed to welcome returning Catholics and help them to feel at home in their parish family. We plan to meet for 8 weeks beginning in January. We are looking for additional team members. If you would like to be part of this great ministry, please contact Kendra Backus. Her contact information is in the December 8 bulletin.
The Children's Christmas Choir will be singing at the Christmas Eve Mass on Tuesday, December 24, at 4 p.m. The choir is open to children in the first through eighth grades. Practice will be held on Thursday, Dec. 5, 12, and 19 from 6:30-7:30 p.m. in the church. The choir will meet at 3:15 p.m. on Christmas Eve in the church and begin singing our prelude music at 3:30 p.m. Parents, please contact Elizabeth McKee at [email protected] to sign up.
Normally a Holy Day of Obligation, this year, the Solemnity is being celebrated on Monday, December 9. Our Bishop, in following others, has decided that the Solemnity is NOT a Holy Day of Obligation this year. We will have a 9 a.m. Mass on Monday, Dec. 9, to celebrate the Solemnity.
Gather your loved ones, cozy up, and join the St. Ann's community for a heartwarming viewing of The Best Christmas Pageant Ever. Enjoy the magic of the season on the big screen with your parish family! We will attend the 11 a.m. showing of the movie at Cinemark Hollywood 16 (9100 Canyon Dr., Amarillo, TX 79119), with the doors opining at 10:30 a.m. There are a limited number of tickets available for parishioners. Call the parish office at (806) 651-3302) or email [email protected] to RSVP.
A limited number of copies of Twelve Steps to a Compassionate Life by Karen Armstrong are available in the parish office for a $15 donation. The discussion date will be announced later.
For those parents seeking Baptism of their child or those chosen to be Godparents of a child, just a reminder that you must attend the Reborn Baptism class. Reborn explores the deeply personal power of baptism, bringing to light the spiritual reality for parents and godparents, and most importantly, the child being baptized. This class will be offered on Tuesday, Nov. 26, at 7 p.m. For more information, please contact Dcn. Gabe Rivas at [email protected].
The Circle of the Holy Spirit will be selling Advent wreaths and replacement candles the weekend of November 23/24 in the narthex. The first day of Advent is Sunday, December 1. Make sure to get yours!
St. Therese Circle is coordinating our parish's annual Angel Tree project again this year. They will be in the narthex before and after all Masses the weekends of November 23/24 and November 30/December 1. This project helps provide local children in need with Christmas gifts. The gifts will need to be returned to the narthex by Sunday, December 15 so they can be distributed to the families that week. Thank you for your generosity!
When we have experienced the loss of a loved one, the holidays can be especially difficult. Join us and guest speaker Sheri Friemel as we explore grieving during the upcoming season. This sessions will be on Thursday, November 7, from 6:30-8 p.m. in the Sts. Joachim and Ann Room. Please RSVP to [email protected].
Sts. Anne & Joachim Circle will once again be providing Thanksgiving baskets to anyone in need. If you or a family member are in need, please contact Amber in the parish office at (806) 655-3302 or [email protected] by Sunday, November 17, to receive a basket.
Join us to make blessing bags! What is a blessing bag? It is a care package that contains essential items for individuals experiencing homelessness. These bags typically include toiletries, non-perishable food, and warm accessories to meet immediate needs. The Young Adult Group (ages 23-35) will meet on Thursday, November 14, from 6:30-8 p.m. in the parish hall to make blessing bags. Pizza will be provided. Please contact Alyssa Albers if you would like to request childcare through the church nursery or if you would like to be added to the YAG Flocknote. (Alyssa's number is in the November 3 bulletin.)
Please join us on Friday, November 15, for Mass at 12:15 p.m., with eats and a few rounds of Bingo following. Lunch will be provided. There is no charge to attend, but you must RSVP so that we make sure to have enough food and seats. Please call or text Laurie Featherstone before noon on Wednesday, November 13, if you will be joining us. (Laurie's number is in the November 3 bulletin.)
If you have a child in Year I Communion preparation class, please mark your calendar for one of the following dates. At least one parent and the child MUST attend one of the workshops being offered: Sunday, November 10, from 3-4:30 p.m., OR Sunday, November 17, from 3-4:40 p.m. Parents should have received an email with a link to register for Option 1 or Option 2. If you did not receive an email, please contact Chris Hall at [email protected]
All parishioners are invited to join us for an evening of games, food, and fun! Our Halloween Carnival is on Wednesday, 6:30-8 p.m. in the Parish Family Hall. Hot dogs and chips will be served. This event is sponsored by the youth of our parish. There is no charge, but cash donations will be accepted. Also, the youth will be doing wash-off glitter tattoos, face painting, and permanent jewelry for a small cost to raise money for camp.
Please join us this Friday, October 18, for Mass at 12:15 p.m., with eats and a few rounds of Bingo following. Lunch will be provided. There is no charge to attend, but you must RSVP so that we make sure to have enough food and seats. Please call or text Laurie Featherstone (her number is in the October 13 bulletin) before noon on Thursday, October 17, of you will be joining us.
Do you want a chance to be a part of the Mass? Even if you didn't sign up, its not too late to become a lector. Please come to one of the following training: Wednesday, October 23, at 6:30 p.m.
Our parish Halloween carnival will be on Wednesday, October 30, from 6:30-8 p.m. in the parish hall. We are asking for donations of individually wrapped snack cakes for the cake walk and candy for prizes. There will be a barrel at each entrance of the church for donations. Thank you!