The mission of the Ladies of St. Ann's is to support, empower, and educate Catholic women in spirituality, leadership and service. There are a number of Ladies' Circles that meet at various times, each having their own service to the parish. (Please see each Circle's webpage for more information and meeting times/locations.) All Circles also are involved in preparing and serving meals for our parish's youth ministry gatherings and the Catholic Student Center at West Texas A&M University.
LADIES OF ST. ANN'S EXECUTIVE BOARD: The Ladies Executive Board consists of elected officers, who must each be a Circle member, as well. The remaining members of the board are the Chairpersons from each of the Circles. The board meetings are generally held on the 4th Tuesday of each month at 6 p.m. in the Parish Family Center.
FUNERAL DINNERS: The funeral committee is divided into three groups which take turns providing funeral dinners. They organize the meal and call members of the parish to provide salads and desserts.
Giving Christmas gifts and/or cards to those in ministry of our parish
Organizing the Christian Women Banquet and Reception of new members into the Confraternity of Christian Mothers
Providing a scholarship to a St. Ann’s high school senior who will be attending college
Distributing “Right to Life” roses and taking a collection to send to the Diocesan Respect Life Ministry
Making a monthly donation to the Amarillo Agency for Women
Organizing a celebration for the pastor’s birthday
Leading prayers for the Confraternity of Christian Mothers once a month
SOCIAL: At times, a pot luck dinner with a speaker is held for an evening filled with good fun, food, fellowship and faith sharing.